Hi all,
The following is a new installment to my blog regarding my French 15mm mostly AB figures, it is meant to show you some of the work I have done over the last several years.

The first picture is that of the stand for Napoleon showing several officer figures from the AB officer packs. The stand was made on a large square wooden base,
rounded edges and flocked. A Brass plaque is also on this base engraved saying, "Napoleon & Staff". This is not visible in the picture.

The next picture is of an Old Guard
Btln in Line, the figures are from the Essex range. I personally did not paint these but have owned them for a very long time. I grew to love them and recently re-based them to a proper company strength format.
The next few pictures are that of a French
Chevauleger Lancier Regiment that I had painted several years ago. Sadly it is the only one so far I have painted but I will be
endeavouring to finish all six of them in the future, also the Polish regiments as well.

In the third picture can be seen the
Lanciers with a Horse battery on their left flank giving support fire. An Infantry Brigade is advancing through the village in the back ground to secure and hold the bridgehead.
In the next couple of pictures can be seen two more Horse batteries that have arrived to strengthen the gun line already established by the first battery. These 18 guns are well positioned to attempt to fend off any serious attack.

The next set of pictures shows an Elite
btln of
Voltiguers I painted up recently to
depict Light troops in formed order so that I could do so if the need arose. This is a situation many gamers forget about which I decided to remedy. I have plans to form several more formed
btlns of Light troops in the near future.

In the next couple of pictures the
Voltiguers have reformed into Line to await the enemy attack. As you can see AB figures really lend themselves to clean lines, they are perfect figures for the painter to enjoy painting.

The next picture shows in very good detail the dress of the
voltiguers, these figures we indeed a delight to paint up and I cannot wait to do more very soon.

The next pictures show a Battalion of
Ligne Infantry (Fusiliers) advancing along a village road just after crossing a foot bridge. Clearly in the front ranks can be seen the Grenadier company marching with them.

This picture is of the same
btln close up to get the detail of the uniforms, these AB figures are
perfectly sculptured and animated. I intend to paint up my 1813 army thus with these figures once I sort out other projects.

This last picture now shows the
btln clear of the river and the confines of the village. It has now deployed ready to face any enemy attack.

This next picture shows a squadron of French Dragoons, the uniform details are clearly visible here. Sadly I only have 4 of these figures as yet, I do intend to buy many more and eventually build an entire AB Dragoon Division.

This picture shows a couple of French
Voltiguers in winter great coat, these AB figures I must say are among my favourites. They are beautifully sculptured and proportioned and a real joy to paint. I intend to form many
btlns using these figures.

In the next picture you can see another French Dragoon Regiment, this time stationed in Spain. The figures are Old Glory in Campaign dress. The uniform pants are brown cloth, this was a common
occurrence in Spain due to ware and tear of the official uniform and the lack of proper cloth colour to replace them.
The next four pictures is that of recently painted French General Officer bases, mostly of Divisional and Corps Commanders. The AB figures on these bases are truly inspiring for workmanship and detail in the sculpting, they are a delight to paint.

What I tend to try to do to distinguish between Cavalry and Infantry command stands is to place an
appropriate Cavalryman or Infantry Soldier on the particular base with the officers and General. This helps a great deal to determine the type of Commander he might be and what type of formation he commands.

In the next couple of pictures can be seen Cavalry bases for Light Cavalry Divisional Generals, you will notice General
Laselle in one picture while in the next a pose of a Cavalry Officer from a famous painting
witch's name escapes me right now...
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