Of late I have been busy painting up the Prussian 1806 army, this army was steeped in the tradition and glory of former years of the 18th century. Its commanders were veterans of the wars of that century and proud of their tradition and honour. This army was highly trained and respected all over Europe to the point of arrogance. If fought in the traditional sense they would have accounted well for themselves but Napoleon did not fight in the traditional sense and thus this army was crushed in a single day. Sad really, for if you paint this army up the time and battles you can fight in are limited to just a few historical conflicts such as Jena, Auerstadt and Saalfield to name the most prominent of them.
These next four pictures show the Prussian Division of von Grawert deployed for battle. The set up is not historical, it is for the purpose of the setting only.

The next set of pictures shows a few of the actual regiments of the Grawert Division. The following two pitures show the Zastrow IR 39 Regiment in Line deployed with skirmishers in front ready to receive the enemy.

The following three pictures also show various Regiments from this Division in the act of deploying to form a battle line. The regiments are the Furst Hohenlohe IR 32 - The Sanitz IR 50 and the Grawert IR 47 Regiment.

Nice looking army Shane. I really like those AB Miniatures 1806 Prussians.
Der Alte Fritz
Thanks mate,
I love them also, I intend to gradually build up an entire 15mm AB 1806 Prussian army.
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